Customer Experience Management
Mastery of Customer Journey + Astute Customer Service = Brand Loyalty
Customers are better informed than ever. "Just" having a fantastic product and a great sales team is no longer enough to earn their loyalty and trust. Companies need to understand the customer journey and make sure every touch point meets or exceeds their clients’ expectations. I will help you stay in touch with customers, understand their changing preferences and desires, and develop successful strategies to help you gain market share and stay ahead of your competition.
Some of my happy clients
Led a national customer experience management project focused on financial donors. Activities included internal and external stakeholder interviews, donor data analysis, synthesis and ongoing improvement recommendations, and regular project summary reporting with HQ, senior management, and chapter staff. Also led the reconfiguration of their CRM tool to enable more targeted donor communications.
Managed national and regional wireless marketing "pilot projects" to assess (or evaluate) product branding, positioning, pricing, and bundling options with different customer segments. Projects included training and incentive progroams for all traditional customer touch points including inbound and outbound telesales, direct mail, and retail sales.
Performed multiple primary and secondary research projects to identify product functionality, sales and maintenance process and customer experience gaps throughout the life cycle of the smart device program. Received 100% executive approval to either sponsor or directly execute recommendations for company-wide enhancements.
Led the “Smart Device Rhino Team”, a SWAT team established to execute special projects that eliminated cost drivers, reduced churn, increased customer satisfaction &/or streamlined processes associated with smart phone portfolio.