Launa gets things done.
It happened when I was eleven years old. Like the protagonist in every autobiography, I had a “catalytic moment.”
As an inquisitive American pre-teen living in Europe, I was bombarded with new things every day but was stopped short by a question that I would later learn is called Purchasing Power Parity: “Why is this box of Nerds candy more expensive in Spain than in Florida? I understand the exchange rate part, but this doesn’t make sense! And I don’t want to settle for these licorice sticks made by the shop owner.”
My educational and professional paths reiterate the ongoing fascination with this intersection point. Understanding the "how" and "why" that occurs at the intersection between the qualitative (e.g. people’s decision making behaviors) and the quantitative (e.g. formal business processes and quality measures) is what drives me.
I have since used that passion to work across the technology, healthcare, communications and international development sectors using the disciplines of project management, product management, change management and marketing to help my clients. I have to admit that Im still on that fundamental quest: What is the *Nerds* vs. the *licorice* in this situation? For who? And why?
My Values
Over the years I have worked with all types of professionals, been to countless seminars and training courses, and read an untold number of books about moved cheese, good- vs. great-ness, various numbers of effective habits, and how I am able to lead, coach, synergize, leverage, guide, categorize, influence people and, if I'm careful not to blink, watch the tipping of an outlier from a dog’s point of view.*
Though helpful, I'm not one to blithely parrot the thoughts of others. So, based on my own experience, here are the 7 axioms I strive to personify in my professional life:
Success begins and ends with the customer.
What is the best thing is rarely the easy thing.
Clearly. Timely. Honestly.
Do it right. Do it once.
One’s personality is invited to the office, but one’s ego should be left at home.
Being wise doesn’t mean knowing everything. Being wise is knowing when one doesn’t know and doing something about it.
And most importantly: Follow, to the utmost of my ability, the best book of all.
It is with great pleasure I can say that I have spent the majority of my career working with professionals with similar axioms.
*One has to love how Malcom Gladwell titles his books!
Do the above statements ring true for you as well? Let’s talk!
Education & Affiliations
I put a high priority on continuing to grow academically, in addition to building my professional experience and knowledge. I believe that bringing a truly deep body of knowledge is key to providing the most value possible to each of my client's unique situations.
The George Washington University - Master of Science in Project Management
Thunderbird School of Global Management - Professional Certificate in Global Marketing
University of Central Florida - Bachelor of Science in International Economics
ESADE Business School - Professional Language Certificate (Spanish)
Project Management Institute (PMI) - Project Management Professional (PMP)
Scrum Alliance - Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Change Management Practitioner (APMG International)